A fourteen-year-old Arshad narrates his story of brutality, hope, transformation, and unbridled happiness. His story is not an ordinary one, he holds a narrative...
The Rohingya crisis has forced millions of Rohingya refugees to flee their homes and seek refuge in neighboring countries, including India. Among them, a...
10-year-old Obaid-ur-Rahman has two brothers. However, one of his brothers, Ubaid, stands out because he has memorized the entire Quran at such a young...
Sadiq, an eleven year old kid, holds more stories than his age. His innocent eyes and golden heart have witnessed dehumanisation beyond the framework...
The Delhi Pogrom, 2020 had a devastating impact on countless families, including that of Anas, a 12-year-old boy from Shiv Vihar. Anas’ father, Jamaluddin,...