7 years old Rubina Akhtar has a contagious smile. Her smile is like a sudden beam of sunlight illuminating the darkest corners of the room. She has two younger siblings, a brother named Abu Bakar Siddiq who is 5 years old and an adorable 3 years old sister Sumaiya Akhtar. They live at a Rohingya Settlement camp in Nuh. Their father Abu Taher owned a shop at the same place for their survival that went up in flames in a fire outbreak in the camp. Abu Taher’s home also turned into ashes in that incident. They are living here from past 10 years and are struggling for their survival. Shaagird Foundation in collaboration with Miles2Smile built a smile home and a smile Shop for Rubina’s family. In the absence of their father their mother sits and handles the shop. Their mother is very determined for the education of their kids. Once we saw her teaching a chapter of the Quran to Rubina while guarding the shop at the same time. It was a very pleasing and energizing moment to witness. We are very glad to see the urge of these parents to make their kids educated and keeping the same in view we built a learning centre for this community. By helping them in every possible manner and by being a stepping stone to their primary education we want Rubina and other kids in this camp to be a well-rounded individuals.